Invitation from The Speaker



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24 products

Ajna Chakra: A Guide to Intuition and InsightAjna Chakra: A Guide to Intuition and Insight
Anahata Chakra - A Guide to Heart Healing and CompassionAnahata Chakra - A Guide to Heart Healing and Compassion
AyurLife Wellness Coaching ProgramAyurLife Wellness Coaching Program
AyurLife Wellness Coaching Program Sale price$3,999.00 Regular price$4,999.00
Beat the Summer Heat: Healing with Fruits & Veggies
From Soil to Soul: Nourishing Yourself and the Planet
Ignite Your Inner Vitality: Ayurvedic Blood Cleansing & NourishmentIgnite Your Inner Vitality: Ayurvedic Blood Cleansing & Nourishment
Kapha Home Cleanse
Kapha Home Cleanse Sale price$249.00
Manipura Chakra: The Power of the Solar PlexusManipura Chakra: The Power of the Solar Plexus
Mending the Mind - Psychological Trauma through AyurvedaMending the Mind - Psychological Trauma through Ayurveda
Move Your Breath Through Stagnation: A Pranayama ImmersionMove Your Breath Through Stagnation: A Pranayama Immersion
Muladhara Chakra: A Guide to Hormonal Balance and GroundingMuladhara Chakra: A Guide to Hormonal Balance and Grounding
Nurturing Reproductive Health: An Ayurvedic ApproachNurturing Reproductive Health: An Ayurvedic Approach
Pitta Home Cleanse
Pitta Home Cleanse Sale price$249.00
Sacral Chakra - The Secret to Creative and Adrenal FulfillmentSacral Chakra - The Secret to Creative and Adrenal Fulfillment
Sahasrara Chakra: The Secret to Spiritual AwakeningSahasrara Chakra: The Secret to Spiritual Awakening
Siddhis and Human Potential: A Holistic ViewSiddhis and Human Potential: A Holistic View
Spring Rejuvenation: Breathe, Heal, and ThriveSpring Rejuvenation: Breathe, Heal, and Thrive
The Art of Gathering: Deepen Connections Through Food
The Art of the PulseThe Art of the Pulse
The Art of the Pulse Sale price$899.00
The Healer's Journey: Integrating Spirituality and PracticeThe Healer's Journey: Integrating Spirituality and Practice
The Healing Touch of MarmaThe Healing Touch of Marma
Vastu Shastra: Spaces for Healthy Living
Vedic Astrology: The Science of Light and Life Counseling
Vishuddha Chakra: Exploring the Mysteries of the Thyroid GlandVishuddha Chakra: Exploring the Mysteries of the Thyroid Gland