Experience a complete shift in your daily life, integrating the wisdom of Ayurveda for lasting connection, fulfillment, and vitality.

Foundations of Ayurveda: 21 Days to Wholeness

Your holistic and organized approach to health and wellness offered by Ayurveda

Online Summit: March 7-9, 2025

Presented by AyurPrana and The Ayurvedic Institute

Sale price$599.00

Ayurveda is an art of living in harmony with nature - with your nature

Studying Ayurveda provides the knowledge to identify and address internal imbalances, fostering harmony. It's a path to conscious living, where your daily choices—diet, lifestyle, and habits—align with your individual constitution, leading to greater well-being and self-understanding.

Crafted by experts, backed by tradition

Amanda Adams

I am writing to tell you how excited I am to be attending your Foundations of Ayurveda online course. What first piqued my interest in Ayurveda was an introduction I received in David Winston's 2-year Clinical Herbalist class. I then went on to read Dr. Lad's book "Ayurveda the Science of Self-Healing" and what really drew me in were your YouTube videos of "The Journey Within." Listening to Dr. Lad chant fills me with wonder, brings me to tears and makes my soul feel like it's being called home. I have been a member of Living Wisdom since January and have gleaned so much information and positivity from the content. I have had so many aha moments because of your patience and attention to detail. Like the first time I truly grasped the cadence of Nadi Shodana was during the chakra immersion with Mitesh. The amount of meaningful content is staggering and I am so blessed to have found you all! I have been dipping my toe with Ayurveda for just over a year now and I have met and exceeded my goal weight with the help of your cleanses and yummy healthy recipes! I want you all to know that you have made a huge impact on my life and my heart is with you! Thank you, a million times, for making Ayurveda more accessible and understandable. ❤️❤️

Course Syllabus


The Universe and the Human Body

The foundational principles of Ayurveda, exploring the interconnectedness of the individual with the universe.

Module 1: Connect with Source and Dharma

Charge with purpose through an understanding of the Universe

  • How this universe came to be and how I fit in it
  • The global spiritual context of Ayurveda

Module 2: The Architecture of the Universe

Dive into the fundamental operating energies and qualities behind the physical world and our bodies.

  • The 20 foundational gunas (qualities)
  • Pancham mahabhutas (five elements)
  • The 3 doshas (vital energies) - Vata, Pitta Kapha
  • Energetic systems - nadis, chakras and srotas

Module 3: Living in Harmony with the Rhythms of the Universe

Discover the flow and organization of elements in all cycles of nature.

  • Three doshas in all cosmic cycles and the human life cycle
  • Your elemental blueprint and the prakruti-vikruti paradigm
  • Your daily routine as the most powerful lever (dinacharya)


7 Pillars of Health

The 7 Pillars of Wellness is AyurPrana's complete wellness system incorporating holistic and structured approach to practical Ayurveda and wellness.

The physiological pillars fortify the needs of the physical body - the enabler of our soul to live out its purpose. Strengthen your capacity through the essential principles of cleanse, move, nourish, and sleep.

The aspirational pillars activate fuel our mind our and soul towards purpose and peace. Learn how to foster deeper connections, ignite your inner spark, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and happiness.

Module 4: Cleanse

Cleanse is about how well our body is able to eliminate waste and natural build-up on a daily and seasonal basis.
  • Understand agni (digestive fire) as the central force of life and health.
  • Get to know ama (toxins), the antithesis of agni.
  • Bring flow to the three malas (waste products) and their channels.

Module 5: Nourishment and Nutrition

Nutrition is what we are putting into our body as fuel and how well we are digesting and assimilating that fuel.
  • Discover the 7 tastes as a unique Ayurvedic way of viewing nutrients.
  • Appreciate how food affects the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha).
  • Apply Ayurvedic nutrition principles to your day-to-day life.

Module 6: Move

Movement is about putting that fuel to work and making sure we have an organized flow of prana (life force) moving throughout our being.
  • Explore prana (life force) - the connection between our subtle and physical being.
  • Cultivate prana  through golden pranayama (breathwork), yoga asana as per your dosha, and general physical movement throughout the day.

Module 7: Sleep and the Mind

How well our body and mind are repairing and cultivating a sense of harmony and purity
  • Discover the interplay between sattva, rajas, and tamas - the subtle qualities of the mind.
  • Learn how to support healthy tamas to mend and rejuvenate the body and mind.

Module 8: Connection, Inspiration, and Peace

  • Build and nuture relationships, self-reflection, and empathy.
  • Find personal voice, purpose, and self-expression.
  • Achieve transcendence, acceptance, and non-judgment.


21 Days to Wholeness Challenge

Integrate Ayurveda into your daily life with "21 Days To Wholeness" challenge. Each day offers a simple focused practice—from mindful breathing to meal planning—to guide you toward wholistic well-being. Walk away with a sustainable routine for lasting results.

This guide provides daily practices to align with nature, nourish your body, and cultivate inner peace. Reclaim your authentic self and experience true well-being.



Tara (Roxana) Ashtari
The course was AMAZING. I couldn't believe it when I read it was y'allz first time. Are you serious?! It was so professional, and the teachers knew how to build on information and keep it simple but there was depth. I have a MA in teaching so I know good teaching when I see it. The course was such a beautiful blend of the pillars and the touches of music, mantra, deep spiritual wisdom, laughter and fun - let alone all of the additional courses we got for free. I felt so overwhelmingly nourished, entertained, connected. I cried when it was over, that's how moving it was. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for inspiring me more than you'll ever know. You all are an example of what it means to live in your dharma and it was an honor to witness and be a part of it. Much love to each one of you and the absolute life-changing beauty and healing you are bringing to our world!! Om Shanti

Amália Vasconcellos
It was a very strong, intense and acknowledged course for a weekend. So much worth it! Only de workbook I felt could be more detailed, as my way of learning needs a book with more detailed explanations. As I'm a self student of Ayurveda (Dr Lad's book, some wonderfully course at Ayurprana app as the Hormones one with Dr Vindra, Dyvia's books of cooking…) I didn't feel so lost as I thought because the intensity of it and a just missed a better guide even knowing a bit about the topics. But all the teachers have a high knowledge that covers everything that was meant for this course although time runs fast. I'm so thankfully for this amazing opportunity at this stage of my life. Namaste:)

Bea Farmer
The presenters were awesome. Very informative and engaging. I appreciated the use of humor throughout the sessions and across all presenters. The music, mantras and meditations were great. All awesome - lot for me in one weekend. But makes me want to learn more :)

David Matthews
The team's preparation, keen knowledge and competence were evident throughout the sessions. I read Dr. Lad's text book(s) independently to support my learning in an Ayurvedic herbalist program and I thought you did a commendable job of condensing that beautiful body of work into a weekend intensive course. Finally, as with my other seminars from Ayurprana, I was really impressed with the beautiful enthusiasm, compassion and unique expression that each member of your faculty brought to each and every session. Bravo and moreover, thank you.🙏 PS Many thanks also for mindfully including the beautiful philosophy content in the course. That made my experience so much the richer. Kindest regards.

All the Ayurprana sessions including the foundations of Ayurveda are awesome. Thank you so much. I always look forward to Dr. Lad's teachings . Watching his webinars or reading his books is one of the essential things I need to do everyday as a part of my daily routine. Thank you to the wonderful and inspirational team of Ayurvedic practitioners and doctors Sneha, Mitesh, Vrinda, Nishita, Sean, Devang.

Dallas Dominique Knowles
The Foundations of Ayurveda course was exceptional and exceeded my expectations! The teachers were extraordinary– full of knowledge and passion. The experience was educational, inspirational and soul fulfilling! I am so excited to embark on a deeper journey with The Ayurvedic Institute in the near future. Thank you for this magical weekend!

Vishal Prajapati
This was amazing course. I have been practicing spiritual practices of Sadhguru and may I got to know about Dr Lad when there was a talk between the two. I have been following Ayurprana+ & Dr. Lad since then. I am always impressed when I get to know more about this ancient knowledge. I think there is no difference between Yoga and Ayurveda. I would like to continue this journey and keep learning about Ayurveda. Hope I can be part of your team in some ways.

Harsh Pandey
Nothing much to add. All the conductors/teachers were very knowledgeable and conveyed the course content wonderfully.


5 Masterclasses

Expand your understanding of ayurveda, yoga and nutrition.

Harnessing the Sun: Morning Salutation Yoga Immersion 

Understand the history, importance, and benefits of Surya Namaskar while coming into deeper connection with your body and breath.

Nourished Self

Explore practical nutrition from an Ayurvedic perspective - with particular focus on how, what, and when we eat can impact our overall health and wellness.

Practical Ayurveda

Understand the core ideas and practices enshrined in Ayurveda - in very practical terms, so that you can start experiencing the benefits of balancing your being and start living into your optimal self!

6 Tastes of Ayurveda

Dive into Ayurvedic dietary principles and explore how the five elements are blended to make the six tastes and their impact on our doshic constitution, as well as our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves.

Living with Purpose

Living with purpose must begin with knowing your purpose. This process will unlock your ability to envision your purpose with absolute clarity. With this clarity, Mitesh will then take you through a series of steps to manifest that purpose.

Harnessing the Sun: Morning Salutation Yoga Immersion 

Understand the history, importance, and benefits of Surya Namaskar while coming into deeper connection with your body and breath.

6 Tastes of Ayurveda

Dive into Ayurvedic dietary principles and explore how the five elements are blended to make the six tastes and their impact on our doshic constitution, as well as our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves.

Nourished Self

Explore practical nutrition from an Ayurvedic perspective - with particular focus on how, what, and when we eat can impact our overall health and wellness.

Living with Purpose

Living with purpose must begin with knowing your purpose. This process will unlock your ability to envision your purpose with absolute clarity. With this clarity, Mitesh will then take you through a series of steps to manifest that purpose.

Practical Ayurveda

Understand the core ideas and practices enshrined in Ayurveda - in very practical terms, so that you can start experiencing the benefits of balancing your being and start living into your optimal self!

2 Workshops

Herbal Medicine

Connect deeply with herbal medicine with Banyan Botanicals botanical expert and Hawthorne Institute founder, Tyler Wauters

Everyday Ayurveda: Essentials of a Daily Routine

A well-structured daily routine, called dinacharya, is a powerful tool for well-being. Learn the benefits of incorporating simple acts like a morning walk or meditation.

Herbal Medicine

Connect deeply with herbal medicine with Banyan Botanicals botanical expert and Hawthorne Institute founder, Tyler Wauters

Everyday Ayurveda: Essentials of a Daily Routine

A well-structured daily routine, called dinacharya, is a powerful tool for well-being. Learn the benefits of incorporating simple acts like a morning walk or meditation.

Foundations of Ayurveda

Learn from Ayurvedic Institute and the AyurPrana Team with 10+ hours of Live sessions, and Recorded Resources!

March 7 | Friday 4 - 7:30 pm ET
March 8 | Saturday 10 am - 12 pm & 2 - 5:30 pm ET
March 9 | Sunday 9 am - 12:30 pm & 2 - 5:30 pm ET
March 21 | Q&A with Vasant Lad | Friday 4 - 5 pm ET

Earn $250 towards your Ayurvedic Studies Program Level 1 Tuition at the Ayurvedic Institute

  •  A Zoom link is posted in the AyurPrana+ app and ayurpranaplus.com and an email will also go out with the link a few hours before we go live.
  • A replay of the live sessions will be available in the AyurPrana+ app and ayurpranaplus.com.
  • If you have any questions at all please reach out to us at care@liveayurprana.com

This Weekend Intensive Online Masterclass includes:

15 hours of live mentoring and Q&A sessions with teachers and practitioners from the Ayurvedic Institute plus lifetime access to the recorded sessions

Live Q&A session with Vasant Lad

10+ hours of recorded content

$250 tuition credit towards the Ayurvedic Studies Program Level 1

Handouts and Workbooks

Free access to specially curated library of 5 Masterclasses and 2 Workshops with over 20 hours of additional content

A 21 Days to Wholeness Challenge guide and workbook

Certificate upon completion

Is this Masterclass for me?

This Masterclass is for you if:

  • You’re curious to understand the interconnectedness of your body, mind, and spirit.

  • You're seeking a holistic and natural approach to healing

  • You're intrigued by ancient wisdom and have a desire to learn its practical application in modern life.

  • You believe in preventive care over treating symptoms.

  • You want to cultivate a lifestyle that promotes balance, harmony, and vitality.

  • You're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

  • You are a yoga teacher, health coach, medical professional or a wellness professional wanting to integrate Ayurveda into your existing practice.

What happens next?

Upon completing the Foundations of Ayurveda course, you'll be equipped to:

  • Expand Your Knowledge: Continue your Ayurvedic journey with ASP1 at the Ayurvedic Institute and deepen your understanding of advanced concepts and practice
  • Heal Yourself and Your Family: Utilize Ayurvedic principles to improve your own health and well-being, as well as that of your loved ones.

Why Study Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old Indian system of natural healing, offers a holistic approach to well-being. It emphasizes balance, prevention, and personalization. Ayurveda is a science of life (ayur = life, veda = science or knowledge), that provides practical guidelines for daily and seasonal routines, diet, behavior, and the proper use of your senses. By following these guidelines, you can cultivate a balanced and harmonious existence that supports your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It reminds us that true health is a dynamic integration of the body, mind, spirit, and environment.

Ayurveda is a profound system of knowledge that explores the interconnectedness of all things. It teaches us about the underlying principles that govern the universe and how they influence our health and well-being. At the core of Ayurveda is the belief that everything in the universe is made up of five fundamental elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. These elements combine in different proportions to create the unique qualities of each individual. Your elemental composition provides valuable clues about your strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for growth.

By studying Ayurveda, we can learn to identify and address imbalances in our bodies and minds, and restore harmony and balance. This involves making conscious choices about our lifestyle, diet, and habits that align with our unique constitution. Understanding Ayurvedic principles can help you navigate life with greater awareness, make conscious choices that promote your well-being, and delve into the deeper questions about your existence.

Foundations of Ayurveda

Certificate of Compeltion - Receive this when you finish the course

Earn $250 towards your Ayurvedic Studies Program Level 1 Tuition at the Ayurvedic Institute


If you have more questions, please reach out to our care team