Sneha Raichada, MPT, CAP, E-RYT 200

AyurPrana Co-Founder and Practitioner

Sneha is a student always striving to live in love and be an instrument of the Divine.

Prior to becoming the Dean of Education at the Ayurvedic Institute, Sneha had a remarkable journey as an executive of a thriving hospitality business, and working with all populations as a physical therapist. Luckily for us, Sneha now focuses all her energy on developing the next generation of Ayurvedic Practitioners and providing thoughtful care for her clients. While practicing as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Sneha combines her early experience as a Physical Therapist with extensive classroom and clinical study under Vasant Lad in the US and India, Yoga Teacher Certification, and Reiki III Certification. When she has a free moment, Sneha is most often found experimenting with fresh ingredients, applying the deep wisdom of Ayurveda to all her delectable creations.


Uttanasana: A forward bending pose. I love a simple pose, and it’s a reminder on levels for me: physically holding tightness, release of all that is held mentally and emotionally, and to always be in surrender and service


Shirodhara: It calms the entire nervous system and slows everything down


Walking, hiking, reading, teaching, and cooking for others

Learn with Sneha