Are Virtual Detox Programs Really Worth It?

Are Virtual Detox Programs Really Worth It?

“All the cleansing was great, but the awareness you get is the most important thing -- you leave with tools for healing yourself. It’s a blessing, really. “


If you ask us, though, Kasia’s presence in our Spring to Summer cleanse was the real blessing! The self-identifying lover of all things Ayurveda had been (virtually) hanging out and learning with us for a little while now — taking courses and watching webinars all the way from Poland.  


After a couple of months of building up her Ayurvedic prowess, she knew she was ready to take her education and expansion to the next level. She decided to take the plunge and center her focus on restoring the well-being of her whole being via our 9-day, at-home detox program.


And she did so despite the fact she’s totally more of an in-person learner rather than a digital student!


So it makes sense that, at first, she wasn’t sure how well the cleanse experience would translate remotely, especially with her 8 hour time difference. Even in our ever-more virtual world, it’s not always possible to recreate the intimacy and joy of an in-person transformation to an online medium. Plus, many people still haven’t adjusted to the new 2-dimensional, technological world — and who can blame them?


With COVID-19 pushing us, as a teeny bit of a silver lining, to develop more efficient ways to connect and collaborate remotely though, we’ve actually been able to cultivate that sense of community and shared momentum that makes an in-person experience so special. Especially when what we’re sharing is something as dynamic and nuanced as an Ayurvedic technique or Pranayama practice, we know a whole lot of care must be taken to make sure that special something isn’t lost!


If you keep scrolling, you’ll figure out why we’ve come to truly enjoy connecting virtually with lovely people like Kasia all over the world. But before that, we’ll let Kasia tell you why she ended up loving the remote experience, too!


The first thing that took her by surprise was the organization of the cleansing journey. Every live session in the community Facebook group was recorded, so it didn’t matter that she was starting her mornings as many of us were winding down and preparing for sleep. Plus, with 24/7 access to practitioners, any and all of her questions and comments were answered as if we were all right there in Poland with her!


Another thing she didn’t expect was how much of the emotional and spiritual facets of the experience translated: 


“The rituals weren’t just technical and physical — it was everything in our minds too, not just our bodies. It was so supportive, something in me definitely changed and moved.”


Which was incredible to hear, since elevating the consciousness of each wonderful being on our planet is, well, kind of our whole thing. Pulling the sacred into the mundane, translating the sanctity of this ancient science into these online experiences is at the heart of everything we do — so Kasia is definitely right, it’s not just about our physical bodies!


And with traveling still being an iffy bet, especially for immunocompromised people, we need these healing digital spaces more than ever. Even Kasia agrees: “I must say that it was a surprise for me because I’m not a very [internet oriented] person, and I prefer not to do things online, but I’m really grateful that it is possible to do these things remotely!”


Lastly, Kasia shared her delight at one of the most underrated but invaluable aspects of this Ayurvedic journey — personal empowerment and the development of a self-healing toolkit. And that, right there, is our favorite part of sharing the wisdom and knowledge of our experienced practitioners.


Because in-depth education is such a huge facet of the experience, when you get to the end of these 9 or 10 days (depending on which seasonal transition you choose), you leave with this wisdom. It’s something you can share with your loved ones, use to navigate future imbalances with grace, and have as part of your self-care rituals for life.


So it’s pretty obvious that we’re fans of virtual learning, but thanks to Kasia’s willingness to share her story - you don’t have to just take our word for it! According to her, you shouldn’t let the potential fear or remote learning stop you from taking the next step in your wellness journey. Instead, try leaving a little room to let the experience surprise you!

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