Tikka Kumar

Ayurvedic Practitioner

Tikka is a graduate of The Ayurvedic Institute’s Ayurvedic Studies Program Levels 1 and 2 under the esteemed guidance of Dr. Vasant Lad. Before she began her Ayurvedic journey, Tikka holds a bachelor's degree in Animal Sciences from Texas A&M University, where she also pursued a minor in Business.

With an early aspiration to make a difference in healthcare, Tikka was passionate about delving into research within the realms of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. She is part of the Research and Product Development team at Banyan Botanicals.

An avid learner of the Sanskrit language, Tikka finds joy in decoding and unraveling ancient Ayurvedic scriptures. Beyond her professional pursuits, she nurtures a deep-seated passion for Ayurvedic cooking, yoga, and meditation. Tikka is deeply passionate about translating Ayurvedic principles into the modern lifestyle. Her primary focus when working with her clients is to tailor in Ayurvedic principles to suit their existing diet and lifestyle, with the blending of the magical properties of herbs.


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