We all need all three for our body or any life in this universe to function. But we each have our own unique balance of the three - this is what makes our individual inner architecture.
Why is this important?
Because optimal health is all about living in harmony with this architecture and in a way that is unified with the architecture of nature all around us.
When we live in harmony with our individual, authentic self, we align the elements and all resulting energies within our body.
Your Unique Results
Your constitution (aka "prakruti”) is what you were born with (check the email linking to this lesson for your results). It's like your body's blueprint, influencing literally everything from your metabolism to your personality. Bringing alignment to this constitution is alignment with yourself.
However, life's ups and downs can throw our doshas out of balance. This imbalance is called "vikruti." These are the doshas that are out of balance and need support to come back home to your prakruti.
Think of it as your body's response to stress, diet, weather, and other factors. Vikruti can change from day to day, even hour to hour.