Unveiling the 7 Pillars and Starting Your Journey with Cleanse

A Simple Formula for Wellness

The 7 pillars represent a holistic approach, drawn from Ayurvedic and ancient wisdom, encompassing both our physiological needs and our aspirational desires.

No Sanskrit here - simple categories so you can easily understand foundational aspects of this vast and deep ancient science 🙂

Do note that the 7 pillars work in synergy, and neglecting any single pillar can impact your overall health and happiness.

The first four pillars address our essential physical needs:

Cleanse: As you'll learn today, cleansing is about regularly eliminating waste and promoting optimal digestive function.

Nutrition: We'll explore how to nourish your body with the right foods based on your unique Dosha constitution.

Movement: This pillar emphasizes the importance of physical activity to keep your body energized and prana (life force) flowing.

  1. Sleep & Restoration: Adequate sleep allows your body and mind to repair, rejuvenate, and prepare for a new day.

The final three pillars address our deeper desires and emotional well-being:

    1. Connection: Fostering strong, compassionate relationships with others provides a sense of belonging and support.

      1. Inspire: This pillar encourages you to cultivate purpose and meaning in your life, igniting your aspirations and sense of growth.

        1. Peace: This involves carving out quiet time for reflection, meditation, and connecting with the vastness of existence.

Focusing on Cleanse: Clear Your Channels

Let's delve into the first pillar – cleanse.

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of regularly eliminating waste products and toxins, known as ama.

Ama buildup can hinder digestion, weaken immunity, and contribute to various health concerns!! This toxic metabolic waste naturally builds up due to stressors, diet or lifestyle that is not ideal, or simply living in an ever changing environment.

Our body eliminates toxins through three primary means: urine, sweat, and feces. The healthy movement of these channels is your day-to-day support to minimizing the build-up of ama in your body.

Here are several ways with special offers on how to fully empower this pillar in your life.

  • Cleanse regularly (more below).
  • Hydrate until your urine is straw-colored with water (no- not sodas or other sugary beverages!).
  • Support daily bowel movements with a glass of hot water each morning. This is the most basic and foundational way to support daily cleansing of your digestive tract.
  • You may consider trying the beloved Triphala! Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that is the combination of 3 fruits. Not only does it support healthy bowel movements, but it also is an amazing rejuvenative and nourisher of all the tissues in your body!

The Power of a Simple Cleanse:

The core to decreasing ama build up is keeping the strength of your digestive fire, or agni, strong and vibrant.

While Ayurveda offers a comprehensive purification process called Panchakarma, we understand it might not be feasible for everyone. As a first step, we recommend trying a gentle 3-day cleanse to reset your digestive fire, or agni.

This guide from Banyan Botanicals walks you through the process, including dietary guidelines, herbal support options, and self-care practices.

Remember to use the code WELCM15 for any supplies you need from Banyan Botanicals.

Test Your Understanding

  1. True or False: As long as you meet your physiological needs through good cleansing, movement, nutrition and sleep, you will achieve great health.
  1. True or False: Having a bowel movement every 2-3 days is considered normal in Ayurveda.
  1. True or False: There are two main elimination pathways: bowel movement and urine.

Answers: 1.F 2.F 3.F

SoHum Mountain Healing Resort

Ayurvedic Cleanse

Banyan Botanicals Kitchari Kit
Kitchari Kit
Banyan Botanicals Triphala
Triphala Tablets

Unveiling the 7 Pillars and Starting Your Journey with Cleanse

A Simple Formula for Wellness

The 7 pillars represent a holistic approach, drawn from Ayurvedic and ancient wisdom, encompassing both our physiological needs and our aspirational desires.

No Sanskrit here - simple categories so you can easily understand foundational aspects of this vast and deep ancient science 🙂

Do note that the 7 pillars work in synergy, and neglecting any single pillar can impact your overall health and happiness.

The first four pillars address our essential physical needs:

Cleanse: As you'll learn today, cleansing is about regularly eliminating waste and promoting optimal digestive function.

Nutrition: We'll explore how to nourish your body with the right foods based on your unique Dosha constitution.

Movement: This pillar emphasizes the importance of physical activity to keep your body energized and prana (life force) flowing.

  1. Sleep & Restoration: Adequate sleep allows your body and mind to repair, rejuvenate, and prepare for a new day.

The final three pillars address our deeper desires and emotional well-being:

    1. Connection: Fostering strong, compassionate relationships with others provides a sense of belonging and support.

      1. Inspire: This pillar encourages you to cultivate purpose and meaning in your life, igniting your aspirations and sense of growth.

        1. Peace: This involves carving out quiet time for reflection, meditation, and connecting with the vastness of existence.

Focusing on Cleanse: Clear Your Channels

Let's delve into the first pillar – cleanse.

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of regularly eliminating waste products and toxins, known as ama.

Ama buildup can hinder digestion, weaken immunity, and contribute to various health concerns!! This toxic metabolic waste naturally builds up due to stressors, diet or lifestyle that is not ideal, or simply living in an ever changing environment.

Our body eliminates toxins through three primary means: urine, sweat, and feces. The healthy movement of these channels is your day-to-day support to minimizing the build-up of ama in your body.

Here are several ways with special offers on how to fully empower this pillar in your life.

  • Cleanse regularly (more below).
  • Hydrate until your urine is straw-colored with water (no- not sodas or other sugary beverages!).
  • Support daily bowel movements with a glass of hot water each morning. This is the most basic and foundational way to support daily cleansing of your digestive tract.
  • You may consider trying the beloved Triphala! Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation that is the combination of 3 fruits. Not only does it support healthy bowel movements, but it also is an amazing rejuvenative and nourisher of all the tissues in your body!

The Power of a Simple Cleanse:

The core to decreasing ama build up is keeping the strength of your digestive fire, or agni, strong and vibrant.

While Ayurveda offers a comprehensive purification process called Panchakarma, we understand it might not be feasible for everyone. As a first step, we recommend trying a gentle 3-day cleanse to reset your digestive fire, or agni.

This guide from Banyan Botanicals walks you through the process, including dietary guidelines, herbal support options, and self-care practices.

Remember to use the code WELCM15 for any supplies you need from Banyan Botanicals.

Test Your Understanding

  1. True or False: As long as you meet your physiological needs through good cleansing, movement, nutrition and sleep, you will achieve great health.
  1. True or False: Having a bowel movement every 2-3 days is considered normal in Ayurveda.
  2. True or False: There are two main elimination pathways: bowel movement and urine.

Answers: 1. F 2. F 3. F

SoHum Mountain Healing Resort

Ayurvedic Cleanse

Banyan Botanicals Kitchari Kit
Kitchari Kit

Banyan Botanicals Organic Ghee
Organic Ghee

Banyan Botanicals Triphala
Triphala Tablets

Supporting Your Cleanse Journey:

Looking to deepen your cleanse experience? We got two options for you!

Full Panchakarma Retreat:

Immerse yourself in a transformative panchakarma program at the renowned SoHum Mountain Healing center in Asheville, North Carolina. Receive $500 off your Panchakarma program as a special offer for our quiz takers! This is fully individualized and an all-inclusive experience.

AyurPrana Signature Home Cleanse:

Join our guided Home Cleanse program, offered seasonally. This program provides full support and guidance throughout the cleanse cycle, including detailed instructions, meal plans, yoga practices, and live Q&A sessions. Enjoy 10% off our next seasonal cleanse when you sign up!

Regular cleansing is key to maintaining a healthy digestive fire and a foundation for overall well-being. Start with this gentle 3-day cleanse and explore the options above to find the cleanse journey that best suits your needs.