Understanding Your Dosha

Before we dive into your specific dosha, let’s take a step back for just a minute and explore the five elements that form the foundation of Ayurveda.

These 5 great elements make up all substances in the universe (the macro) and the body ( the micro)

Ether Element Icon
Ether (Akasha):
Associated with space, sound, and the senses.
Air Element Icon

Air (Vayu):
Associated with movement, touch, and the breath.

Fire Element Icon

Fire (Agni):
Associated with transformation, sight, and metabolism.

Water Element Icon
Water (Apas):
Associated with fluidity, taste, and emotions.
Earth Element Icon
Earth (Prithvi):
Associated with structure, smell, and grounding.

The proportion of these elements create our optimal and unique selves… and are represented by the doshas!

Ayurvedic Dosha Vata


(Air and Ether) The principle of movement

  • This dosha governs movement, creativity, and communication.
  • When balanced, vata promotes lightness, flexibility, and a clear mind.
  • When imbalanced, it can lead to anxiety, insomnia, and digestive issues.

Ayurvedic Dosha Pitta


(Fire and Water) The principle of transformation

  • This dosha governs governs digestion, metabolism, and transformation.
  • When balanced, pitta promotes a sharp intellect, strong digestion, and a radiant complexion.
  • When imbalanced, it can lead to anger, inflammation, and heartburn.

Ayurvedic Dosha Kapha


(Earth and Water) The principle of cohesion and nourishment

  • This dosha governs structure, stability, and immunity.
  • When balanced, kapha promotes a strong immune system, healthy skin, and a calm demeanor.
  • When imbalanced, it can lead to weight gain, congestion, and lethargy.

We all need all three for our body or any life in this universe to function. But we each have our own unique balance of the three - this is what makes our individual inner architecture.


Why is this important?

Because optimal health is all about living in harmony with this architecture and in a way that is unified with the architecture of nature all around us.

When we live in harmony with our individual, authentic self, we align the elements and all resulting energies within our body.


Your Unique Results

Your constitution (aka "prakruti”) is what you were born with (check the email linking to this lesson for your results). It's like your body's blueprint, influencing literally everything from your metabolism to your personality. Bringing alignment to this constitution is alignment with yourself.

However, life's ups and downs can throw our doshas out of balance. This imbalance is called "vikruti." These are the doshas that are out of balance and need support to come back home to your prakruti.

Think of it as your body's response to stress, diet, weather, and other factors. Vikruti can change from day to day, even hour to hour.

Ayurvedic Dosha Pitta

Your current vikruti (or doshas that are out of balance) is pitta.

Why is the concept of your constitution (prakruti) and imbalance (vikruti) so important!? Balancing your imbalance towards alignment with your constitution will:

  • Support good energy
  • Support good digestion
  • Support solid structure of our bodily tissues
  • Support subtler hormone balance
  • Support vitality, mental clarity, and purpose

… and so much more!

If you want some more clarification- we got you! That’s why we have five more lessons!

Test Your Understanding

  1. True or False: Vata is the principle of transformation, made of fire and water.
  1. True or False: You need all three doshas in balance for optimal health.
  1. True or False: Your vikruti is your imbalance and care should be taken to bring this dosha back to balance.

Answers: 1.F 2.T 3.T

Foundations of Ayurveda

The most comprehensive introductory course on Ayurveda

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Banyan Botanicals Healthy Pitta supplement bottle with herbal blend description.
Healthy Pitta Tablets

Understanding Your Dosha

Before we dive into your specific dosha, let’s take a step back for just a minute and explore the five elements that form the foundation of Ayurveda.

These 5 great elements make up all substances in the universe (the macro) and the body ( the micro)

Ether Element Icon
Ether (Akasha):
Associated with space, sound, and the senses.
Air Element Icon

Air (Vayu):
Associated with movement, touch, and the breath.

Fire Element Icon

Fire (Agni):
Associated with transformation, sight, and metabolism.

Water Element Icon
Water (Apas):
Associated with fluidity, taste, and emotions.
Earth Element Icon
Earth (Prithvi):
Associated with structure, smell, and grounding.

The proportion of these elements create our optimal and unique selves… and are represented by the doshas!

Ayurvedic Dosha Vata


(Air and Ether) The principle of movement

  • This dosha governs movement, creativity, and communication.
  • When balanced, vata promotes lightness, flexibility, and a clear mind.
  • When imbalanced, it can lead to anxiety, insomnia, and digestive issues.

Ayurvedic Dosha Pitta


(Fire and Water) The principle of transformation

  • This dosha governs governs digestion, metabolism, and transformation.
  • When balanced, pitta promotes a sharp intellect, strong digestion, and a radiant complexion.
  • When imbalanced, it can lead to anger, inflammation, and heartburn.

Ayurvedic Dosha Kapha


(Earth and Water) The principle of cohesion and nourishment

  • This dosha governs structure, stability, and immunity.
  • When balanced, kapha promotes a strong immune system, healthy skin, and a calm demeanor.
  • When imbalanced, it can lead to weight gain, congestion, and lethargy.

We all need all three for our body or any life in this universe to function. But we each have our own unique balance of the three - this is what makes our individual inner architecture.


Why is this important?

Because optimal health is all about living in harmony with this architecture and in a way that is unified with the architecture of nature all around us.

When we live in harmony with our individual, authentic self, we align the elements and all resulting energies within our body.


Your Unique Results

Your constitution (aka "prakruti”) is what you were born with (check the email linking to this lesson for your results). It's like your body's blueprint, influencing literally everything from your metabolism to your personality. Bringing alignment to this constitution is alignment with yourself.

However, life's ups and downs can throw our doshas out of balance. This imbalance is called "vikruti." These are the doshas that are out of balance and need support to come back home to your prakruti.

Think of it as your body's response to stress, diet, weather, and other factors. Vikruti can change from day to day, even hour to hour.

Ayurvedic Dosha Pitta

Your current vikruti (or doshas that are out of balance) is pitta.

Why is the concept of your constitution (prakruti) and imbalance (vikruti) so important!? Balancing your imbalance towards alignment with your constitution will:

  • Support good energy
  • Support good digestion
  • Support solid structure of our bodily tissues
  • Support subtler hormone balance
  • Support vitality, mental clarity, and purpose

… and so much more!

If you want some more clarification - we got you! That’s why we have a whole five more lessons!

Test Your Understanding

  1. True or False: Vata is the principle of transformation, made of fire and water.
  1. True or False: You need all three doshas in balance for optimal health.
  1. True or False: Your vikruti is your imbalance and care should be taken to bring this dosha back to balance.

Answers: 1. F 2. T 3. T

Foundations of Ayurveda

A holistic approach to health and wellness

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A Streaming Platform to Nourish the Soul

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Transform your life with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

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Banyan Botanicals Healthy Pitta supplement bottle with herbal blend description.
Healthy Vata Tablets

Your Next Steps

Over the next couple weeks, we’ll send you 5 more lessons by email that will help you use this newfound knowledge to enhance your health and well-being. We’ll cover topics like:

Creating a personalized routine: Tailored recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and self-care that supports your inner architecture and promotes balance.

Support Regular Cleansing: How to perform a 3-day home cleanse and digestive reset to eliminate toxins and restore optimal function.

Eat Per Your Constitution: Basics of Ayurvedic eating and a personalized recipe booklet filled with delicious and nourishing meals that align with your dosha.

Practice Yoga and Breathwork: A yoga and breathwork routine specifically designed to balance your dosha and promote relaxation.

Rise to Peace with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc: An intimate conversation with the renowned Ayurvedic expert on how to create alignment with deep restoration, profound connection, elevating inspiration, lasting peace in your life.

Creating a personalized routine: Tailored recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and self-care that supports your inner architecture and promotes balance.

Support Regular Cleansing: How to perform a 3-day home cleanse and digestive reset to eliminate toxins and restore optimal function.

Eat Per Your Constitution: Basics of Ayurvedic eating and a personalized recipe booklet filled with delicious and nourishing meals that align with your dosha.

Practice Yoga and Breathwork: A yoga and breathwork routine specifically designed to balance your dosha and promote relaxation.

Rise to Peace with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc: An intimate conversation with the renowned Ayurvedic expert on how to create alignment with deep restoration, profound connection, elevating inspiration, lasting peace in your life.